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A (preparatory) actions

C (content) actions

D (monitoring) actions

E (publicity) actions

F (project management) actions




Guidelines and recommendations for other municipalities and regions, including model and conditions for transfer of pilot project results to unified accounting and automation of all waste flows

Responsible partner

Activity C1 "Development and demonstration of a complex approach to separate waste collection system".


Interim monitoring report

Responsible partner

Activity D3 "Monitoring of the socio-economic impacts of the Project Actions".


Consolidated report on LCA methodology and its application results in the IS/ innovation projects (CO2)

Responsible partner

Activity C5 "Establishment of industrial symbiosis platform for waste".


Consolidated report and evaluation of IS grants scheme for 6 start-ups / SME innovations applications with quantitative assessment of results of waste prevention and reduction of carbon footprint (CO2)

Responsible partner

Activity C5 "Establishment of industrial symbiosis platform for waste".


Annual reports on statistic data on secondary use of good and repair

Responsible partner

Activity C7 "Creating ecosystem for encouraging re-use, repair, and upcycling activities".


Policy recommendation for application of end of waste criteria

Responsible partner

Activity C3 "Pilot projects for application of end of waste criteria to demonstrate circularity and waste to resources concept".


Update Manual for enterprises supplemented with Guidelines for enterprises on waste prevention (4 sector guidelines)

Responsible partner

Activity C5 "Establishment of industrial symbiosis platform for waste".


Report on barriers for IS and policy recommendations

Responsible partner

Activity C5 "Establishment of industrial symbiosis platform for waste".


Peer reviewed article on methodologies of circularity and industrial symbiose surveys for scientists and advanced engineers

Responsible partner

Activity C5 "Establishment of industrial symbiosis platform for waste".


Standardized final product data sheet and technical description

Responsible partner

Activity C3 "Pilot projects for application of end of waste criteria to demonstrate circularity and waste to resources concept".


Roadmap for a Plastic Pollution Free Society in 2030

Responsible partner

Activity C10 "Development of laboratory tests and policy recommendations for transition to plastic pollution free society".


Proposal for landfill repurposing model with technological and economic assessment

Responsible partner

Activity C4 "Pilot projects in regional landfills for improvement of waste sorting with aim of material and energy recovery".


Interim monitoring report

Responsible partner

Activity D1 "Monitoring of the impact of the Project results and methods demonstrated".


Action Plan for Reduction of Marine Litter on Latvian Coasts

Responsible partner

Activity C9 "Educational and behaviour change demonstration activities for waste prevention, sustainable consumption and circular thinking".
