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Two-day training taken place for educators on the circular economy


From 17 to 18 August, Salacgrīva Secondary School hosted a teacher training. One of the goals of the training was to introduce the circular economy to teachers and prepare them to work with children and young people by providing an understanding of the circular economy and how its principles can be put into practice in everyday life.

On the first day of the training, Alise Vecozola (Head of LIFE Integrated Project Implementation Division, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development) presented the activities planned within the project "Waste to Resources Latvia - Boosting Regional Sustainability and Circularity by Introducing the Waste to Resources Concept", and deliverables in order to facilitate the transition to a circular economy and to promote the implementation of the National Waste Management Plan 2021-2028 - to promote the separate collection of different types of waste and to demonstrate new approaches to recycling and reuse. Next, Ms Santa Kristiāna Šteinblūma (Senior Expert, LIFE Integrated Project Implementation Division, Ministry of Environmental Protection and Regional Development) shared a presentation with an overview of the educational materials developed within the project "Awareness Raising on Packaging Deposit and Strategic Approach for Harmonisation of Packaging Deposit System in Estonia and Latvia" or PACKGDEPO. The information provided was useful for teachers who educate students of pupils in grades 1-9 and for teachers working with kindergarten graduates who are about to start school education. The workshop provided an overview of the training material that has been developed on five topics: plastic packaging, deposit packaging, textile waste, single-use plastics and circular economy. Educational materials were described - a PPT presentation, a Word document instruction containing indications on what tasks would be relevant for each age group and how to use that presentation. The Word document included games for children of different ages, 2 short educational videos for upper and lower primary school students on awareness-raising in the circular economy and waste management. Educational training materials are available here.

Ms Inga Belousa (association “Zaļā brīvība”) continued with a presentation on the basic principles of the circular economy. After the lectures, the teachers had the opportunity to take part in a masterclass, learning practical skills related to the themes of the integrated project, which could potentially be demonstrated in educational institutions. Ms Lāsma Ozola (Head of the Cēsis Municipality local government’s waste-free community, organic farming and composting expert) talked about composting, wheras, Mr Krišjānis Zariņš (“Repair Cafe Riga” master) told about repair process of electrical appliances, and Ms Ieva Freimane-Mihailova (LLC (SIA) "ZAAO" Environmental Education Department Manager) together with Ms Evija Tiltiņa (LLC (SIA) "ZAAO" Environmental Education Project Manager) taught about reuse of worn-out textiles. The day ended with a thematic and interactive excursion in Salacgrīva.

On the second day, Mr Daniels Trukšāns (Eco-school Programme Manager) presented the methodological framework and waste audit tool for educational institutions, but Ms Daiga Brakmane and Ms Linda Dambeniece-Migliniece (environmental education experts) presented a thematic lesson plan, and Ms Dace Jansone-Vēvere (leading expert of the LIFE Integrated Project of the State Environmental Service) spoke about waste management governance in Latvia. At the end of the training, representatives of the Latvian Institute of Aquatic Ecology - Ms Inta Dimante-Deimantoviča (LIAE senior researcher and head of the microplastics laboratory) and Ms Valentīna Burdukovska (LIAE research assistant) introduced the teachers to the amateur science campaign “Plastic Pirates - Go Europe!” concerning the opportunity for educational institutions to participate and to monitor plastic waste in watercourses.

The European Union integrated project "Waste to Resources Latvia - Boosting Regional Sustainability and Circularity by Introducing the Waste to Resources Concept" will be implemented in 65 educational institutions of Latvia (pre-school, primary and general secondary education institutions). The project will run until 31 December 2026.

Educational institutions participating in the "Waste to Resources" project:https://ej.uz/skolukarte


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