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Sorted collection of organic kitchen waste will be carried out in the form of pilot activities in Riga


One of the measures of the LIFE Waste to Resources IP project, which is implemented by the Waste Management Association of Latvia (WMAL), is the sorted collection of biological kitchen waste and further management by producing bio gas. The implementation of this measure differs from those implemented earlier (for example, by SIA "Clean R") in that the residents of a large apartment building, receiving small containers for separating organic kitchen waste in the household, separate certain types of kitchen waste, such as vegetable, green and fruit residues: leftovers of food and products, excluding bones; tea and coffee grounds; indoor plants, cut flowers.

Such waste is further placed in a special bio waste container, which is located near the house, in the container shed. The container is regularly emptied and the kitchen waste, after treatment, is taken to the bio gas plant.

In order to promote the oxidation of biological waste, which significantly reduces odors, the container has air openings both on the side surfaces and in the lid. It is planned that the biological waste collection containers will be placed in a closed container shed, reducing the number of unsorted containers.

In order to successfully implement the event, an essential condition is obtaining the understanding and support of the residents of the house. The first meeting with the members of the house administration established by the residents of the house and the managers of the house - the manager of Latvian houses, was organized online on 28 of June, providing a detailed explanation of the planned event and the conditions for its implementation.

WMAL specialists provided comprehensive answers to all questions asked about the technical side of the implementation of the event and the benefits for the residents of the apartment building. The first face-to-face meeting showed that waste managers and administrators are interested in the new initiative, which significantly reduces residents' costs for waste collection, as well as makes it more pleasant, as bio waste containers practically does not smell. Containers for unsorted household waste also become more attractive as the amount of kitchen waste in them has decreased.

The next meeting on August 15 took place in person, in the shade of the trees in the yard. The number of participants was not large, six of the building's 120 apartments were represented, because the high air temperature in the working day evening was one of the factors that determined the number of meeting participants. On the other hand, the residents who participated were interested in the event and ready to start working on "hot feet". WMAL already has to carry out a series of urgent tasks together with the manager of Latvian buildings - to buy containers for biological waste and to conclude a contract with the manager of kitchen waste. We hope for successful cooperation in the future as well, informing all residents of the building!

Latvian Waste Management Association board member R.Bendere at the participation meeting of residents of the house on August 15, 2022 in the project LIFE20 IPE/LV/000014. Photo: D. Āriņa



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