On November 4th and 5th of this year, a networking event organized by the LIFE Waste to Resources IP took place in Latvia, bringing together leading European LIFE program projects and waste industry professionals from Greece, Finland, Belgium, and Poland. Participants had the opportunity to discuss current topics on reducing plastic waste, sustainable recycling, and transitioning to a circular economy.
On the first day of the event, participants presented the actions undertaken by their respective LIFE projects, as well as the current challenges in sustainable waste management and transitioning to a circular economy. Representatives of the LIFE Waste to Resources IP highlighted the need to reduce waste generation through various measures, improve the efficiency of waste sorting, and regularly educate the public about waste separation and opportunities for resource reuse.
Project leaders from Finland’s PlastLIFE, Poland’s PlasticLIFEcycle, Belgium’s Life-IP C-MARTLife, and Greece’s LIFE IP CEI Greece shared their experiences, achievements, and challenges related to plastic recycling, improving waste management efficiency, and implementing the circular economy in different countries. While each country faces unique challenges and starts from different points, the shared goal is sustainable development and a clean environment for future generations. The guests emphasized a key takeaway: we should prohibit recycling items that can be reused and ban regenerating waste that can be recycled. This approach will allow resources to remain in circulation for as long as possible, conserving limited resources.
The event featured a presentation by Latvia’s leading packaging industry expert, Prof. Dr.sc.ing. Sandra Muižniece-Brasava, a professor at the Latvian University of Life Sciences and Technologies and Chair of the Latvian Packaging Association. She shared research on sustainable and efficient plastic packaging production, highlighting key innovations that promote material sustainability and efficient waste reduction. The professor offered attendees a broader perspective and outlined future possibilities in plastic packaging development, important not only for Latvia but globally.
The second day of the event focused on specific activities and initiatives implemented by various projects. Valdis Bisters, head of the LIFE Waste to Resources IP partner company Ltd HyroGas, presented an innovative waste gasification prototype, which has already successfully completed the gasification process and is now being tested to process various mixed waste streams. This prototype uses patented technology to convert waste into fuel and synthetic gas that could replace natural gas. This technology represents a significant step toward EU-level innovations in carbon-containing waste processing and product development, promoting resource efficiency and sustainable recycling.
Meanwhile, Waltteri Heikkilä from Finland’s PlastLIFE project shared experiences on implementing different types of awareness campaigns to educate the public about the impact of waste on water resources and the environment. New alternatives to plastics, such as biodegradable materials, were also presented as solutions to reduce plastic consumption. Poland's PlasticLIFEcycle project leader Besim Hoxha continued with a presentation on plastic waste morphology analysis and new standards aimed at improving waste recycling, introducing effective methods that promote material recovery and reduce energy consumption.
Participants were introduced to the activities of Belgium’s LIFE-IP C-MARTLife project by project leader Els Herremans. The project focuses on reducing and reusing plastic packaging. Efforts to raise awareness among the public and businesses about sustainable waste management and help companies adapt to circular economy principles were discussed.
Greek LIFE IP CEI Greece project representative Periklis Kafasis captured interest with a presentation on current and planned initiatives, such as the introduction of a “pay as you throw” approach in waste management and specialized bins for the separate collection of hazardous household waste. This project encourages active public involvement and raises awareness about sustainable and responsible waste management.
Participants also visited several Latvian recycling companies. They toured Ltd Iterum, one of Northern Europe's largest polymer recycling companies, and Ltd Nordic Plast, which has established an accredited laboratory for determining the composition of plastic packaging and plastic products. These visits offered insights into plastic recycling processes and challenges.
Attendees also explored the newly opened Resource Management Center of Ltd Eco Baltia VIDE, which features state-of-the-art waste sorting technologies, and an electronics repair workshop called Lab!, which repairs electronics received as waste. One notable visit was to the construction waste sorting and recycling facility Nomales, created by Ltd Clean R last year, where individuals can drop off construction waste free of charge and receive recycled materials in exchange. This center also allows residents to leave unwanted household items, repair materials, and functioning electronics for others to take at no cost.
This international exchange of experience, alongside practical examples and demonstrations is essential for developing new solutions and practices to advance the circular economy. Reuse, exchange, and repair of materials and more efficient recycling of plastics and other materials will become more common, fostering a sustainable future for Europe. Participants contributed their knowledge and resources to promote a more sustainable future for Europe.