A new industrial symbiosis promotion platform is launched in Latvia - www.sinergia.lv. The main goal of the platform is to enable the ability of Latvian manufacturers to more efficient further use of their by-products (residues) obtained in production processes.
Participants of the platform - Latvian manufacturers will receive in-depth knowledge and proven experience for the further use or beneficial processing of by-products (residues) generated in the production processes. In this way, additional added value can be assigned to these resources and companies' expenses for transferring production residues to landfills for recycling can be reduced.
Participants of the platform are offered opportunities to learn how the circular economy can be implemented in every manufacturing company; in cooperation with industry experts, assess the company's opportunities to improve production processes, reduce the amount of by-products (residues) and related expenses; participate in sectoral working groups that evaluate the identified opportunities for industrial symbiosis; participate in industrial symbiosis experience exchange trips in Europe and develop new products using the Acceleration program implemented by the platform.
The Industrial Symbiosis platform was created and implemented by CLEANTECH LATVIA together with SIA "ZAAO", Riga Technical University and Cesis County Council.
Let's create SINERGIA together! Join in!
Contact person:
Zigmars Brunavs
Phone: +371 29404218;
E-mail: zigmars@cleantechlatvia.lv
CLEANTECH LATVIA is a clean technology cluster that has been operating in Latvia since 2012 and unites Latvian companies and educational and research institutions that promote the development and application of clean technologies. More: www.cleantechlatvia.com